Jessie Huff

Jessie Huff Accessibility Lead, Front End Developer at Red Hat

Jessie Huff Accessibility Lead, Front End Developer at Red Hat

Jessie Huff


Jessie is the Accessibility Lead for Red Hat’s open source design system, PatternFly, as well as a Front End Developer. Her work includes and extends beyond PatternFly's components to the Red Hat products they appear in, to guide product teams in building experiences for all users.

She is spearheading Red Hat's accessibility movement with her efforts around product audits, accessible design and development, accessibility testing and tooling, and creating processes for Red Hat teams to create accessible product experiences.

Her passion for inclusivity and advocacy landed her in the role of overseeing the accessibility efforts across Red Hat User Experience Design. Now, she aspires to lead and educate others on how to create inclusive experiences for all users.

🗓️ Jessie’s talk:

Accessibility - from concept to reality

When most people hear the word accessibility, they might know the idea or understand a few basics, but there’s often a disconnect between the concept and what it means in practice. Accessibility is more than just one idea. It’s how we can bring empathy and user experience to every part of our process. In this talk, we’ll discuss how to bridge this gap between the concept of accessibility to designing, developing, and testing with an empathetic and accessible lens. From deepening our understanding of the accessible experience to the nuance of best practices, you’ll better understand how to create for all users.


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