Ally Hwang

Ally Hwang Sr. Product Design Lead web | instagram | linkedin

Ally Hwang Sr. Product Design Lead
web | instagram | linkedin

Ally Hwang


Ally Hwang is a designer, researcher, and strategist who’s spent most of her last 10 years working on enterprise solutions, studying user behaviors, and facilitating design workshops. With an industrial engineering background, she often brings data-driven and systems-level lenses into her work. In her most recent role in Nationwide Innovation, she is the program lead for helping define what holistic protection looks like for customers.

🗓️ Ally’s talk:

Our Equitable Future Depends on Forming Inclusive UX Teams NOW!

As UX professionals, we are taught when you design for everyone, you design for no one. We learn to say, “that’s not our user.” What if our future is to design for everyone? As inclusive design, personalization, and technology mature, we approach a future where designing for everyone is possible.

We can’t get to this future with how we form teams today. Overcoming gaps with empathy is not enough because empathy is not a substitute for lack of representation. If technology continues to improve faster than diversity on teams, we remain vulnerable to creating exclusionary gaps for underserved communities. We need to form diverse teams with a focus on solidarity (unity in action) over empathy. Only when we have inclusive teams unified in action can we be on track to “design for everyone.”

Co-presenter: Shara Coutourier


Jessie Huff


Daisy A. Magnus-Aryitey