Michelle Chin

Michelle Chin

Design Advocate, Zeroheight
Co-host, UX IRL podcast

Michelle is a Design Advocate at Zeroheight and has worn several hats throughout her UX career. Her diverse experiences have equipped her with a toolkit to adapt her design work to various contexts and challenges. She co-hosts a few podcasts including UX IRL, Design Systems WTF, and Design Systems: Beyond the Button. Additionally, she offers career coaching, helping underrepresented and marginalized community members navigate their careers in tech. Michelle lives in Oakland, California, where she advocates for tree equity in the city.

UX IRL: The Unconventional Blueprint Workshop

Join us for a practical and engaging live recording of the UX IRL podcast! This special session focuses on non-traditional methods and traditional techniques used in unconventional ways that truly work. Audience members will have an opportunity to share their unique UX blueprints, and we’ll explore and expand on these innovative strategies together. By the end of this session, you’ll have a toolkit of creative and effective UX blueprints to apply in your own work. Get ready to be inspired by out-of-the-box thinking and leave with practical takeaways to elevate your projects!


Karen Chen


Meg Cramer