Meg Cramer

Meg Cramer

Senior Experience Designer II, Adobe

Meg has been a UX designer at Citrix, LogMeIn, and Adobe. She dabbles in creative and silly side quests alongside her tinkerer husband, toddler apprentice, and useless orange cat. At work, she nerds out on platforms and cross-product puzzles in identity, admin, and commerce.

Growing Up - and Growing Old - in UX

Was becoming a UX professional an early blueprint for your life? Will it be in the plans for your next 20, 30 years? For a profession that hasn’t been around all that long, how do you grow old in UX?

Join us, two UX Designers who triage how to survive in UX on our amateur comedy podcast. We will rehash the quandaries, missteps, and impossible choices of a career that you may (sometimes) wonder why you have!

In rapid fire, we will present some of the best stories of survival of our long-format interviews from all kinds of UX professionals.

No matter the stage you are at, or how you got into UX, we help you hang in there (even if it is only by your fingertips) so that we can all one day grow old here together.


Michelle Chin


Jessamyn Edwards