Jacquie Goyena

Jacquie Goyena

Design Manager, SAS

Jacquie has been designing professionally for over 14 years at companies ranging from Fortune 500 to spirited startups. Much of her professional life has been in the technology and software industry. She is now a Design Manager at SAS, loving the opportunity to transform SAS Design to support her fellow designers.

Jacquie is passionate about design education, having taught courses at NCSU’s College of Design and is a well-rounded Design Thinking facilitator. Volunteerism is important to her. She is an active volunteer for the local Girl Scouts council and a Lifetime Girl Scout. Jacquie has given her time to STEM events, Women in Technology groups, and professional design organizations like UX Y’all!

Jacquie enjoys games of all kinds, dancing, and spending time with her two daughters.

🗓️ Jacquie’s talk:

Productive Conversations About Race with Designers

Track B (Downstairs), Thursday 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

We created a safe space within our design department for designers to explore and evolve our anti-racism journeys together. Learn from our trials, errors, inspirations, and discoveries as we present insights that we hope will aid you along your own anti-racism paths. Perhaps you may also be seeking a safe space to process racism with your designer co-workers. If this is the case, we hope we can give you ideas for how to begin that conversation and create a designer support group.


Piet Kruithof


Monique St. Paul