Reneé Cagnina Haynes

Reneé Cagnina Haynes Creative Designer at Viget twitter | instagram | linkedin

Reneé Cagnina Haynes Creative Designer at Viget
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Reneé Cagnina Haynes


Reneé Cagnina Haynes is a creative consultant and digital designer working with Viget's multidisciplinary team to bridge the gap between art, design, and technology.

🗓️ Reneé’s talk:

Speaking the same language: How to get your team on the same page with design systems

Design systems are getting a lot of attention right now, and for good reason. When executed correctly, a design system can provide lasting impact and value for an organization. But everyone needs to get on the same page for the system to deliver its full value. At its best, a design system is more than just a sum of its parts: it is the connection of multiple teams moving toward a common purpose. How do we get there – and how do we make those connections?

Co-presentors: Kate Trenerry and Tyler Berg


Sanantanita Burnette


Antionette D. Carroll