Pablo Stanley

Pablo Stanley Co-Founder and CEO at Blush web | twitter

Pablo Stanley Co-Founder and CEO at Blush
web | twitter

Pablo Stanley

Pablo Stanley is a Mexican designer based in San Francisco. He is the Co-founder at Blush, a tool to unlock people's creativity. Previously he was a Lead at InVision, a Staff Designer at Lyft, and co-founder of Carbon Health. He gives design workshops around the world focused on product design and UI animation.

Pablo has a YouTube channel called Sketch Together with design tutorials, livestreams, critiques, and other random stuff. He also co-hosts a Hispanic podcast interviewing Latinxs in the tech industry called “Diseño Cha Cha Cha.” Writer and illustrator of “The Design Team,” a comic series that follows the lives of designers working at a startup.

🗓️ Pablo’s talk:

Creating Illustration Systems

Illustrations are emerging as a vital part of the user experience of a product, as they help tell your brand story, articulate and communicate your values and brand personality. How do you create a successful illustration system, shaping a robust visual identity? How do you decide on a core set of principles?

Pablo Stanley discusses creating illustration libraries (loosely) using the atomic design system method in this talk. He walks us through a brief history of illustration and comics in a designer’s creative journey and a look at how others used doodles in their creations.


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