Matt Rogers

Matt Rogers Product Designer at Willowtree  linkedin

Matt Rogers Product Designer at Willowtree

Matt Rogers

Matt is a Product Designer with a focus on building products, teams, and dialogue for an increasingly diverse and connected world. He’s dedicated to user-centered, accessible design, as well as addressing disparity and inequality in tech.

🗓️ Matt’s talk:

Avoiding The “Oh S***” Moment Through Purposeful Team Building

We all know the feeling. Excitement over a newly finished and released product turns to panic, after being blindsided by a crash, bug or critical failure. The team becomes all hands on deck to find the source of the problem, resolve it, and smooth things over with a now anxious client. In this talk, we’ll discuss how these “Oh s***,” moments can be mitigated, or avoided altogether, through diverse, inclusive, and interdisciplinary teams.


Matt Rae


Dean Schuster