Matt Rae

Matt Rae Designer Advocate - Adobe XD at Adobe twitter | linkedin

Matt Rae Designer Advocate - Adobe XD at Adobe
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Matt Rae

Matt is a Designer Advocate, and XD Instructor for Adobe, based in Canada. Coming from a decade in product design, across industries including travel, autonomous vehicles, EdTech and advertising technology, he’s now focused on equipping designers with resources to design the best experiences using Adobe XD. He has a passion for user experience, and developing the design community.

🗓️ Matt’s talk:

Telling a more compelling story with interactive prototypes

Experience design is not just about static screens and mockups. How an experience feels and flows is critical to the story. In this session, learn how to take your static screen designs and easily bring them to life with powerful prototyping and interaction functionality in Adobe XD.


Leia Outen


Matt Rogers