Mary Luong
Mary Luong
Mary Luong is currently a Sr. Director at UserZoom with a Ph.D in Human Factors & Applied Cognition from NC State University. She is a former software engineer and has been an academic and professional UX researcher for over 10 years. Prior to UserZoom, Mary has been a UX research leader at VMWare, SAP, and Cisco.
At UserZoom, she serves as a research partner to UX researchers and UX leaders around the globe at several Fortune 1000 companies, including four of the Big 5 tech firms. She also creates and delivers webinars and workshops.
On a personal note, Mary has a wife, 3 yo daughter, one English bulldog, and an ancient cat. With the pandemic, she has been to 1 virtual wedding and is looking forward to the day we can all finally HUG again.
🗓️ Mary’s talk:
Developing new scales for emerging tech