Karen VanHouten
Karen VanHouten
20 years in enterprise UX have left Karen a tiny bit unhinged, kind of sweary, and intensely committed to designing better ways for teams to work together. She is the founder and principal of Curious Red LLC, where she provides coaching and amateur group therapy to teams looking to level up their design, leadership, and collaboration skills. Taking the best from human-centered design methodology and combining it with an almost unhealthy level of affection for complex, messy, human problems, she helps teams identify roadblocks and barriers to their potential, and helps them become more productive, more innovative, more collaborative, and most importantly, more human with each other. She can be easily won over with red wine, dark chocolate, or 80’s alternative music.
Karen is Founder & Principal, Curious Red LLC. You can connect with Karen on the web at karenvanhouten.com and on Twitter @designinginward.