Jackson Bostian

Jackson Bostian

Assistant Professor of Interactive Design, William Peace University

Jackson Bostian is an Assistant Professor of Interactive Design at William Peace University, where he teaches courses on game development and user experience design. His background focuses heavily on designing and developing for XR technologies and immersive spaces, with an academic concentration on embodiment, interaction philosophy, and game UX. A native North Carolinian, he spends his spare time reading, cooking, and wondering why people keep walking away when he starts talking about design systems.

Beyond Gamification: How game design thinking can make you better at UX

We all know the design process: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test.

That’s great, but it makes it sound like design only happens one way. Compare the processes and goals of a UX designer at a Fortune 500 company to those of a game designer and you’ll see how different they are, even if they follow the same 5 fundamental steps.

Game designers work in a realm of carefully crafted friction, of specialized hardware, of mechanical metaphor, of adherence not just to design systems but to overarching themes. They’re wizards who work magic to shape player self-efficacy out of clever feedback and invisible helping hands.

This talk will discuss the overlaps between enterprise UX design and game design and how thinking like a game designer could bring a helpful new lens to UXers.


Sarah Alme


Victoria Campbell