Dan Saffer
Dan Saffer
Assistant Professor of The Practice at Carnegie Mellon University
Dan is a designer, author, and educator. Dan is currently an Assistant Professor of the Practice at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where he teaches classes in service design, interaction design, and designing with AI.
Previously, Dan was a designer at Twitter, the VP of Product at Mayfield Robotics, Creative Director of New Products at wearables and consumer electronics powerhouse Jawbone, Creative Director at Smart Design and Experience Design Director at renowned UX consultancy Adaptive Path.
Dan is also a respected thought leader in the field of experience and interaction design, as author of four acclaimed books including, Microinteractions.
AI by Design
Most AI projects fail. Some fail quietly before launch; some fail spectacularly publicly, becoming another media horror story about AI. Why does this happen? Because the current process for designing AI products and services is broken. But a new approach to designing AI is possible, one that instills more cooperation between designers, PMs, data scientists, and engineers.This talk walks through a new method that has been developed over many years at Carnegie Mellon University's Human-Computer Interaction Institute. This method uses elements of user-centered design and technology capabilities to find situations where moderate technical performance, high value, and low risk combine to make successful AI projects that don’t break the world.