Matt Rogers

Matt Rogers

Product Design Lead at OneNorth

I'm an NC-based Senior Product Designer with a focus on designing products for an increasingly diverse and connected world. I'm passionate about user-centric and accessible design, team-building, and addressing disparity and inequality in tech. Outside of pushing pixels, my passions lie in indie bookstores, world history, and any large body of water.

Collective Intelligence: The Cheat Code for Optimal Design Teams

It takes a village to get a project from start to finish, but with each villager comes a different personality, work style, and experiences. How do you ensure the job gets done in the best way possible? Working on complex design problems with pressures around timelines, budgets, or outcomes can be a recipe for frustration and inefficiency. But what if there was a formula to make sure your teams are working at their highest level, regardless of what stressors emerge? That’s where collective intelligence comes in. This talk will cover what collective intelligence is and how to maximize it on your teams, how that leads to better work, and how diversity, equity, and inclusion are key to this process.


Rebecca Planchart


Heather Ryan